Hario Coffee Siphon Sommelier
Inspired by wine tasting, the Coffee Siphon HARIO Sommelier features a decanter-style design, allowing you to fully take in the aromas of your fresh brew.
The siphon also comes with both a stainless steel- and cloth filter, giving you greater freedom in how you want to brew.
SIZE (Box): W150 × L186 × H355mm, Φ130mm
CAPACITY: 5 cups
WEIGHT (Incl. box): Approx. 2,200g
Upper bowl, Lower bowl, Alcohol burner: Heatproof glass
Burner cover, Cover and upper bowl stand, Stand: Stainless steel
Windbreak: Aluminum
Alcohol lamp holder, Measuring spoon: Polypropylene
Stand-side Glass Grip, Packing, Grip, Stand stabilizer: Silicone rubber
Filter: Cloth, Stainless steel
Metal filter: Stainless steel, Silicone rubber
NB: Only upper bowl and lower bowl are dishwasher safe.